Update 2.11 : New PVP Games


Update 2.11 : New PVP Games

Game Arena
– Added a new Game Arena game ‘Crystal Defenders’
– Added a new Game Arena game ‘Akram Arena’
– Added a new Game Arena game ‘Draconis Peaks’

– Added Deathmatch as two automated games: Solo and Team.
* Solo has a prize of 50m for 1st, 40m for 2nd, 30m for 3rd.
* Team has a prize of 50m for each of the team members.

– Deathmatch(Team) and Tournament(Team) now require a group of 3 to 4 members, each with a different base first job.

– Changed the Game Arena event schedule
– Added a new tab in the Game Arena
– Tournament damage now resets per round to fix the tiebreaker issue.
– Unblocked Icicles in PVP Tournaments – All of your icicles now share a 2-minute cooldown

– Added a new town ‘Rocky Ridge’, you can enter it from Forest of Wisdom.
– Added two new racing maps for the upcoming racing system.
* Alpine Rift
* Snow Valley

– Removed the map ‘End of the World’
– Removed the map ‘Duel Arena’
– Removed the Christmas theme from Junon and Zant.

– Changed the clan member permissions

Penalty rookie is a member who has been punished. He cannot participate in the clan chat, but he can read it.
Rookies can talk in the clan chat, but not allied chat.
Veterans can see and talk in the allied chat
Captain is the leader of the battleground, he has control over tactical skills (recall and assist)
Commander is control of the daily management, he sets the clan slogan and notice, and can kick low ranked members.
Deputy Master decides who can join the clan, and is in charge of diplomacy to choose a clan ally
Clan master is the leader, he can promote, demote or kick any member. He chooses the logo and controls the clan funds.

– Updated the Clan Notice system, you can now edit the notice inside the Clan Window. If the notice changed members will get a notification popup when they log in.

– Added item buyback in NPC stores – click the little basket icon to see items you’ve accidentally sold to the npc. If you log out you will be unable to buy back your items.
– Updated the Avatar dialog a bit, it now also shows your Base stats and Bonus stats seperately.
– Added a block option for Game Arena invites and Ride Request invites
– Fixed the Group chat and Allied chat overlayed buttons
– Removed the Christmas loading screens and added some new loading screens created by Mekz.

– Enabled an updated Q & A system with random rewards.
There will be a round of three questions every 12 hours. You can answer by chatting /answer Your Answer Here

– Added item betting for duels
– Added the Grappling Hook soldier skill
– Slightly lowered the attack power calculation of Dual swords
– Made attack speed bonusses have a slightly lower effect on your attack motion speed.
– Added a 10-second delay for using scrolls while in PVP.

– Adjusted the Hunter ‘traps’ cooldown has been reduced.
– Adjusted the Hunter ‘Venus Arrow’ stun rate has been increased.
– Fixed the weird camera angle with the Shaman Teleportation skill.
– When a Raider goes in stealth his attackers will now stop attacking him.
– Fixed the Jump and Floating Air skills

– Renamed Oro Return Scroll to Heliopolis Return Scroll
– Glasses and Etc masks can now be refined.
– Adjusted refining: Items have by default a 10 to 15% higher success rate, but the effectiveness of Success Runes has been lowered from 10% to 7.5%.

– Reduced the camera ‘lagging’ when you move at a very high speed.
– The game will now flash on your taskbar if it is minimized and you receive a request or private message.
– Optimised the drawing of text in the engine.