Technical Problems

Technical Problems

We have compiled a list of the most frequent problems and errors. If you can’t find the error in this list or the solution did not work, create a Support Ticket

Game Update is required

Check your connection to the Patch servers on the Downloads page.
Run the launcher (RoseOnline.exe) as administrator.
Disable UAC

ROSEOnline.exe is not a valid Win32 application. (Windows XP)

Download the fixed launcher here and place it in your irose folder.

The game doesn’t start after I click ‘Play’ on the launcher.

Install Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package
Install Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package
Close all hotkey programs such as Autohotkey and AutoIt.

The game won’t start and gives the error: “The application failed to initialize properly 0xc0150002”

Install Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package
Install Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package

You have no access from this location

Use your PIN to open the “Account Access” dialog on Server Select screen
Mark all boxes for your computer (highlighted in yellow).
Don’t give Item Mall and Char access to anyone you share your account with. Never give your pin to anyone.

I often get “an unknown error has occured”.

Make sure you have fully updated the game
Create a bug report support ticket with some additional info

I get spammed with “ClanMarkCreate Error” popups

Run the game as Administrator.
Reinstall the game outside of the Program Files folder.

Hotkey tool found

Hotkey programs are prohibited, close them before you start the game.
Close Autoit, AutoHotkey

My account got banned for 60 minutes.

A wrong pin was tried three times by you or someone you share your account with.
Change your password, someone might be trying to hack you.

I did not get an account activation email.

Log in by clicking the far right icon on the navigation bar.
Press resend activation mail in the account management.

I always get Server Disconnected

Make sure your firewall isn’t blocking the game.
Try to improve your connection stability.