Magic Boot

1 Spiritual Shoes
2 Green Sandals of Witch
3 Purple Sandals of Witch
4 Violet Boots
5 Boots of Shadow
6 Velvet Boots of Witch
7 Heaven's Shoes
8 Fairy Shoes
9 Joker Shoes
10 Mystic Weaver Shoes
11 Serenity Shoes
12 Archmage Shoes
13 Dimple Shoes
14 Brave Dimple Shoes
15 Aristocrat Shoes
16 Unholy Dimple Shoes
17 Unholy Dimple Shoes
18 Oasis Sandals
19 Royal Sage Shoes
20 Legend Green Sandals of Witch
21 Purple Sandals of Witch
22 Violet Boots
23 Violet Boots
24 Elven Violet Boots
25 Saint Violet Boots
26 Legend Violet Boots
27 Holy Violet Boots
28 Boots of Shadow
29 Boots of Shadow
30 Boots of Shadow
31 Golden Boots of Shadow
32 Elven Boots of Shadow
33 Saint Boots of Shadow
34 Legend Boots of Shadow
35 Velvet Boots of Witch
36 Velvet Boots of Witch
37 Werewolf Foot
38 Samurai White Shoes
39 Pathwalker Shoes
40 Divine Spirit Shoes
41 Pink Karate Gi Shoes
42 Purple Karate Gi Shoes
43 Beetleman Pink Shoes
44 Beetleman Red Shoes
45 Koala Blue Shoes
46 Brazilian Costume Shoes
47 [IM] Orlean Shoes
48 [IM] New Serenity Shoes
49 [IM] Bureaucrats Shoes
50 [IM] Shadow Oasis Sandals
51 [IM] Infernal Oasis Sandals
52 [IM] Earth Fairy Shoes
53 [IM] Water Fairy Shoes
54 [IM] Shao Monk Shoes
55 [IM] Tao Monk Shoes
56 [IM] Windweaver Shoes
57 [IM] Sandbender Shoes
58 [IM] Battlemage Greaves
59 [IM] Battlecleric Greaves
60 [IM] Jeastral Shoes
61 [IM] Witchdoctor Shoes
62 [IM] Kao Monk Boots
63 [IM] Zho Monk Boots
64 [IM] Dress Shoes
65 [IM] Furry Fury Shoes
66 [IM] New Serenity Shoes
67 [IM] Kashmir Shoes
68 [IM] Plane Shift Shoes
69 [IM] Monk Training Boots
70 [IM] Advance Monk Boots
71 [IM] Sturdy Frost Boots
72 [IM] Light Frost Boots
73 [IM] Elder Mage Boots
74 [IM] Elder Cleric Boots
75 [IM] Jellybean Costume Shoes
76 [IM] Moldie Costume Shoes