
Clan Grade: 7
Clan Points: 1059793
Clan Slogan: LEAVE OR DEAD!

Trophies: none

Roster 1 / 50

Character Name Level Job Contribution Position
1 G0dHand 210 Bourgeois 0 Rookie

Recent Activity

1 NAlVlELESS left the Clan
2 200NS left the Clan
3 Gradient left the Clan
4 MoonAce left the Clan
5 Cypher left the Clan
6 200NS joined the Clan
7 MoonAce was promoted to Deputy Master
8 NAlVlELESS joined the Clan
9 G0dHand joined the Clan
10 NAlVlELESS left the Clan
11 NAlVlELESS joined the Clan
12 MoonAce joined the Clan
13 MoonAce left the Clan
14 PH0ENlX was promoted to Deputy Master
15 Firebat left the Clan
16 Firebat joined the Clan
17 Cypher was promoted to Deputy Master
18 Cypher joined the Clan
19 Plexus left the Clan